
Contact and Project Support

Project support email:

Delivery key: "project support"

Note: To prevent or minimize spam mail, the delivery key string must be somewhere in the subject or anywhere in the first 500 characters of the body of the message, or it will be rejected by the mail server.  Once we have received email from your address once, future email will be accepted for a period of time without requiring a key again.

Feel free to email with questions, suggestions, bug reports, or just to let us know which one of our projects you are using it and how its working out.

Send email to us about this website or for any other reason.
Delivery key: "hightek website"

See the note above about the delivery key.  This key enables delivery and lets us know the mail came through the web site.
If you do not provide a key, the reject message you get back will also provide a key and instructions.

Or you can use the contact form below.

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